Download VTube-LASER Demo Software for the HAN JIE MACHINERY Sales Team
HAN JIE MACHINERY Sales Demo License Version 4.2
This license is designed for installation on HAN JIE demonstration computers. Please do not distribute this license to customers without permission from Advanced Tubular Technologies, Inc.
As of Build 38, VTube-LASER includes the HAN JIE SVNET protocol that shows a the Han Jie name and bender image in VTube-LASER Bender Setup.
"SVNET" is short for "SUPRAVISION NETWORK Protocol." This protocol is identical to the standard SVNET protocol.
How to PREPARE for a Successful Demonstration
Read this document first. It shows how to setup VTube-LASER with a HEXAGON ScanArm for successful demonstration.
How to PERFORM a Successful Demonstration
Read this document second. It shows how to perform a successful VTube-LASER demonstration.